Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A trip to the botanical gardens...

I ended up taking a trip to the botanical gardens with my cousins this weekend. It wasn't planned, there were many flowers that had not bloomed, and I didn't have my camera with me. However, I was happy with the way some of the pictures came out on my iPhone. It makes me excited for spring and all of the beauties that the season has to offer.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Welcome to the Kim Geddes Photography Blog.  In an attempt to stay up to date with my photography, as well as have another way to connect with others through photography, I have decided to start my own blog.  I can't be certain how often posts will be made, what with my crazy and hectic schedule these days, but I will try to share as often as possible.

Naturally, this being my first post, I feel that an introduction is in order.  If you haven't figured out, my name is Kim- but I am also known as Kimmy, Kimberly, Kimber, and in certain circles Shimmy. :)  There's something about holding a camera in your hands... you have to ability to create anything that you can imagine.  My fascination with photography began at an early age.  I think I inherited my love of it from my Grandfather, who always had his camera with him wherever he went, and he loved sharing his photos with other people.  Cameras have the extraordinary ability to bring people together... they bring out the best - and the worst (we all know we're guilty of deleting those ugly photos of ourselves)- in people.  This is simply a place for me to do exactly what I did with my Grandpa- share my photos in the hope that you will enjoy them as well.  So please feel free to look around as much as you like!  Thanks for allowing me the great honor of sharing some of my photos with you!

Here's just a brief little look at some of my favorites!!!

My cousin Sara.  Love her eyes and the expression they are giving.  Very true to her personality!  

This is the Chimney at Chimney Campground, Sly Park Campground, CA.  

Taken during a random stroll through Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA

The Melvilles, expecting the arrival of their first born!  

One of Brandon's many senior portraits that we took in Placerville... only one fatality that day!!!  I fell off of a ledge while taking pictures (I had the coolest angle for the shot) and I broke one of my lenses... :(  

This is Pepper, my parents dog.  She was jumping from rock to rock and I was lucky enough to catch this action shot!  We were hiking at Bassi Falls, at Crystal Basin Recreation Area.  

This image totally says peace and tranquility to me.